Egypt part 1: Cairo and Giza

Stupid covid! It has kept me from travelling for sooo long, but happily now I’m back on track. Or actually I may even be a bit ahead, as this trip was not actually part of my travel plans for this year. But I had a week off for easter, so when the family easter dinner was cancelled I thought “go big or go home” and decided to go to Egypt.

This was my first ever trip to the continent of Africa, so I was very excited but a bit weary of just going alone with no real plan other than a booked hotel and a plane ticket. But it was awesome, I would recommend Egypt to anyone. The people of Egypt are absolutely lovely, and the sights are unmatched. Though the smog of Cairo is quite horrid, but apart from than I have only great things to say.

Anyway, here are some pictures, stories maybe to come. Video definetly to come, but probably not for about 14 days.

Day 1 of the trip was mostly just travel and checking in, so we will skip directly to…

Day 2: The Pyramids

Day 3: The Egyptian museum, The mosque of Mohammed Ali and the Coptic church

No not the boxer, the egyptian king.

Day 4: Exploring Cairo

On the fourth day of my trip I had to go to the airport at around 4pm, but untill then I went exploring with my driver Mohammed. He did not understand much english, and I speak no egyptian, but we had a lot of fun, and I saw parts of Cairo I would have never seen with a normal guide.

Continued in the post Egypt part 2: Luxor

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